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Cleanse and Release

  • You are the Miracle ON, K0L Canada (map)

Our bodies and mind become built up over time, which is why we need to step away from the day-to-day hustle and bustle and give our bodies time to let go and our mind the space to unwind.

During the retreat, we will detoxify with the ancient cleansing meal Kitchari which is created to be easily digested while containing everything your body needs. You will have access to an abundance of warm drinks to help stoke digestive fire.

Each day will start with a gentle yoga practice and end each night with restorative or yin yoga practice to prepare our bodies to rest. Each day there will be time for journaling, reading, or time to unwind.

Journaling will be encouraged throughout the retreat to list anything that weighs heavy on your heart or has held you back. During the retreat, we will create a fire and take our notes and release them to help cleanse that which doesn’t serve us. In past retreats, this has been a great opportunity for sharing and bonding as a group.

When we make time and space for new energy we begin to allow ourselves to heal from the inside out.

Private and shared accommodations to customize your escape.

Later Event: January 2
Hatha Yoga